Archive » Tag: Justin Trudeau

Chris Westdal: Now is the time for diplomacy with Russia

July 12, 2016

We wrote about Canada’s ill-advised decision to establish and lead a rotational multinational NATO battlegroup in Latvia in our blog post of 30 June entitled Trudeau government: Room for improvement on key security issues. In that post we noted how the German Foreign Minister has variously described NATO’s actions in deploying four battlegroups on Russia’s […]

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Why peacebuilding fails and what we can do about it

January 19, 2016

According to a recent UN report, violent conflicts have almost tripled in the past eight years and are drawing unprecedented levels of international engagement. In light of the unfolding events in Syria, Burundi, and many other conflict-afflicted countries, it is of utmost importance that we think about what makes peacebuilding interventions work and how we […]

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